могилевцев владимир александрович fundamentals of painting на английском языке

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Fundamentals of Painting (на английском языке)

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Fundamentals of Painting (на английском языке)


"Основы живописи" является логическим продолжением предыдущего проекта – «Основы рисунка», осуществленного тем же автором и отмеченного Медалью Российской Академии художеств. Данное пособие представляет интерес для всех, кто желает овладеть основами живописи, столь необходимыми в процессе совершенствования этого сложного явления культуры. В популярной и доступной форме говорится об особенностях, принципах, приемах создания произведений живописи. Большое значение придается вопросам методики преподавания специальных дисциплин. В книге хорошо подобран иллюстративный материал, много внимания уделяется постижению лучших образцов мирового и отечественного искусства, развиваются традиции русской реалистической школы живописи. Одобрено и рекомендовано кафедрой рисунка Санкт-Петербургского государственного академического Института живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры им. И. Е. Репина PAX. В 2017 году присуждена золотая медаль РАХ.

2015 Руб.

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Fundamentals of Composition (на английском языке)

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Fundamentals of Composition (на английском языке)


This is the 3rd and last textbook in the series of "Fundamentals of Art". The previous two editions are dedicated to Fundamentals of Drawing and Fundamentals of Painting. In the book Fundamentals of Composition, the author, on the basis of his own creative work and experience working with students, tried to show and explain how the painting is born. On the examples of outstanding Russian and foreign artists, he shows the process of working on sketches and explains the importance of collecting material when creating a realistic work. Professor V.A. Mogilevtsev introduces the reader to visual means and talks about the most important of them. The text is accompanied by a large number of illustrations. The visual information carries the main information load, which makes this book the most understandable and convincing for young artists. This textbook will be interesting for anyone who wants to comprehend the secrets of professional art excellence.

2015 Руб.

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Fundamentals of Drawing (на английском языке)

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Fundamentals of Drawing (на английском языке)


The 1st publication in the series "Fundamentals of Art" (two others are Fundamentals of Painting and Fundamentals of Composition). It is the first and only textbook on academic drawing that is officially approved and recommended by the Russian Academy of Arts. For several years this publication has become a very necessary source for studying academic drawing and is used as a reference book by art schools and academies worldwide. This well illustrated textbook is loaded with tables, images with anatomical casts, sketches and drawings by old masters that show a classical system for academic drawing while illustrating all stages of work of portrait and nude drawing.

2015 Руб.

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Painting (на английском языке)

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Painting (на английском языке)


This textbook follows the same structure as its predecessor, while offering a complete overview on academic painting, a discipline that is built on traditional art education. The result of the authors four years of hard work is this well-illustrated book with excellent visual explanations that include tables, studies and paintings by old masters. The Fundamentals of Painting presents a classical system of teaching while illustrating each stage of work in very laconic, straight to the point text. The following four subjects of painting are covered: 1. Portrait, 2. Nude figure, 3. Portrait with Hands, 4. Copying.

2015 Руб.

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Painting (на английском языке)

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Painting (на английском языке)


This textbook follows the same structure as its predecessor, while offering a complete overview on academic painting, a discipline that is built on traditional art education. The result of the authors four years of hard work is this well-illustrated book with excellent visual explanations that include tables, studies and paintings by old masters. The Fundamentals of Painting presents a classical system of teaching while illustrating each stage of work in very laconic, straight to the point text. The following four subjects of painting are covered: 1. Portrait, 2. Nude figure, 3. Portrait with Hands, 4. Copying.

2015 Руб.

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Drawing (на английском языке)

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Drawing (на английском языке)


The 1st publication in the series "Fundamentals of Art" (two others are Fundamentals of Painting and Fundamentals of Composition). It is the first and only textbook on academic drawing that is officially approved and recommended by the Russian Academy of Arts. For several years this publication has become a very necessary source for studying academic drawing and is used as a reference book by art schools and academies worldwide. This well illustrated textbook is loaded with tables, images with anatomical casts, sketches and drawings by old masters that show a classical system for academic drawing while illustrating all stages of work of portrait and nude drawing.

2015 Руб.

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Composition (на английском языке)

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Composition (на английском языке)


This is the 3rd and last textbook in the series of "Fundamentals of Art". The previous two editions are dedicated to Fundamentals of Drawing and Fundamentals of Painting. In the book Fundamentals of Composition, the author, on the basis of his own creative work and experience working with students, tried to show and explain how the painting is born. On the examples of outstanding Russian and foreign artists, he shows the process of working on sketches and explains the importance of collecting material when creating a realistic work. Professor V. A. Mogilevtsev introduces the reader to visual means and talks about the most important of them. The text is accompanied by a large number of illustrations. The visual information carries the main information load, which makes this book the most understandable and convincing for young artists. This textbook will be interesting for anyone who wants to comprehend the secrets of professional art excellence.

2015 Руб.

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Drawing (на английском языке)

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Drawing (на английском языке)


The 1st publication in the series "Fundamentals of Art" (two others are Fundamentals of Painting and Fundamentals of Composition). It is the first and only textbook on academic drawing that is officially approved and recommended by the Russian Academy of Arts. For several years this publication has become a very necessary source for studying academic drawing and is used as a reference book by art schools and academies worldwide. This well illustrated textbook is loaded with tables, images with anatomical casts, sketches and drawings by old masters that show a classical system for academic drawing while illustrating all stages of work of portrait and nude drawing.

2015 Руб.

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Composition (на английском языке)

Mogilevtsev V. Fundamentals of Composition (на английском языке)


This is the 3rd and last textbook in the series of "Fundamentals of Art". The previous two editions are dedicated to Fundamentals of Drawing and Fundamentals of Painting. In the book Fundamentals of Composition, the author, on the basis of his own creative work and experience working with students, tried to show and explain how the painting is born. On the examples of outstanding Russian and foreign artists, he shows the process of working on sketches and explains the importance of collecting material when creating a realistic work. Professor V. A. Mogilevtsev introduces the reader to visual means and talks about the most important of them. The text is accompanied by a large number of illustrations. The visual information carries the main information load, which makes this book the most understandable and convincing for young artists. This textbook will be interesting for anyone who wants to comprehend the secrets of professional art excellence.

2015 Руб.

Видеопутеводитель: The Golden ring of Russia (DVD)

Видеопутеводитель: The Golden ring of Russia (DVD)

Пр-во: Видеофильм

Видеопутеводитель по городам Владимир и Суздаль на английском языке. Video-guide about the Golden ring of Russia (Vladimir, Suzdal).

399 Руб.

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Основы рисунка

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Основы рисунка


Первое и единственное за последние 30 лет официальное издание, выпущенное Институтом им. И. Е. Репина по академическому рисунку и удостоенное серебряной медали Академии Художеств.Немногословное, хорошо иллюстрированное таблицами, фотографиями с анатомических слепков, схемами, рисунками старых мастеров, учебное пособие передает систему академического рисования и наглядно показывает этапы ведения работ. 15-летний опыт профессионального обучения преподавателя кафедры рисунка ГАИЖСА, доцента В. А. Могилевцева, изложен с учетом традиций русской классической школы, и на практических заданиях, этап за этапом, передает суть – основы рисунка – в простой и наглядной форме.Это дает возможность не только понять и изучить современные академические требования к учебному рисунку, но и задает верное направление для самостоятельных занятий.

3349 Руб.

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Основы живописи

Могилевцев Владимир Александрович Основы живописи


"Основы живописи" является логическим продолжением предыдущего проекта – «Основы рисунка», осуществленного тем же автором и отмеченного Медалью Российской Академии художеств. Данное пособие представляет интерес для всех, кто желает овладеть основами живописи, столь необходимыми в процессе совершенствования этого сложного явления культуры. В популярной и доступной форме говорится об особенностях, принципах, приемах создания произведений живописи. Большое значение придается вопросам методики преподавания специальных дисциплин. В книге хорошо подобран иллюстративный материал, много внимания уделяется постижению лучших образцов мирового и отечественного искусства, развиваются традиции русской реалистической школы живописи. Одобрено и рекомендовано кафедрой рисунка Санкт-Петербургского государственного академического Института живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры им. И. Е. Репина PAX. В 2017 году присуждена золотая медаль РАХ.

2319 Руб.

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls


Издание на английском языке. A stranger arrives in a Russian backwater community with a bizarre proposition for the local landowners: cash for their "dead souls," the serfs who have died in their service. Gogol's comic masterpiece offers a vast and satirical painting of 19th-century Russia. A work of great symbolism, it continues to inspire 21st-century authors and readers.

255 Руб.

Гусев Владимир Александрович Русский музей: Альбом путеводитель, на английском языке

Гусев Владимир Александрович Русский музей: Альбом путеводитель, на английском языке


The Russian Museum was opened in 1895, by a decree of Tsar Alexander III, and as such was the first state owned museum of art in Russia. Housed in the Mikhailovsky Palace (architect C.Rossi), the Museum numbers nearly 400.000 exhibits, and has a huge range of Russian art which rival that of the Tretiakov in Moscow. The exhibits date from ancient icons to the Avant-garde school of painting of the 20th century, and include many landmarks in the history of Russian art, such as Bruillov's 'The Last Day of Pompeii', and Repin's 'The Barge Haulers'.

919 Руб.

Gostishchev V. K. General Surgery. The Manual

Gostishchev V. K. General Surgery. The Manual


Руководство к практическим занятиям по общей хирургии на английском языке. This manual covers the main parts of general surgery such as asepsis and antisepsis; bleeding; bloodtransfusion; the principles of resuscitation and anaesthesia as well as common problems encountered bysurgeons in their everyday practice. Each of the chapters explains what and how a surgeon should do ineach case. The fundamentals of surgery, general principles of clinical examination of patients, major clinicalsymptoms and signs of the commonest surgical conditions are also highlighted. The manual meets the requirements of the Syllabus for foreign students at medical schools and departments,confirmed by the Russian Federation Health Ministry.

3269 Руб.

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